
Monday, 7 August 2017

Crazy cornflour goo

We are learning how to use complex and compound sentences. We are also using great sense words like fabulous, amazing and horrific. We learnt how to do this by playing with cornflour goo and using our senses to describe it.

Cornflour goo is very sticky because of the ingredients it has inside.

If you don't put water in it (which is basically plane cornflour) it feels ruff.

When you look at it, it looks strong and when you pick it up it turns into a liquid.

Cornflour goo tastes horrific, putrid and terrible. Only because of it's yuck cornfloury taste, if it didn't have that taste it would still be tasteless. But something tasteless is always horrible, so that would be bad as well.

 It smells as bad as it tastes or worse.

It sounds wobbly and silent, if you drop it, it does a big splat.


  1. Hey Nathan, I really liked the use of juicy words.
    Have you ever acually made cornflour goo?
    Something to work on is the conclusion because it was so small.

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  2. Hey Nathan I like the video and great use of vocabulary. I also like the intro and your use of compound and complex sentences. Next you can improve one the conclusion because it basically was a simple sentence.

    1. Oh thanks mikayla I will do better next time.
