
Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Best boat making

Goal: To make an epic tinfoil boat that can fit lots of toy teddy bears in it.


  • A medium square shaped peice of tinfoil
  • Toy teddy bears or toy dinosaurs
  • A bucket of water


1.Get your tinfoil.

2.Fold up the sides just a bit. So you have room to put your teddy bears/dinosaurs.

3.Put your boat on the water.

4. Put on as many teddy bears as you can until it sinks.

Monday, 7 August 2017

Crazy cornflour goo

We are learning how to use complex and compound sentences. We are also using great sense words like fabulous, amazing and horrific. We learnt how to do this by playing with cornflour goo and using our senses to describe it.

Cornflour goo is very sticky because of the ingredients it has inside.

If you don't put water in it (which is basically plane cornflour) it feels ruff.

When you look at it, it looks strong and when you pick it up it turns into a liquid.

Cornflour goo tastes horrific, putrid and terrible. Only because of it's yuck cornfloury taste, if it didn't have that taste it would still be tasteless. But something tasteless is always horrible, so that would be bad as well.

 It smells as bad as it tastes or worse.

It sounds wobbly and silent, if you drop it, it does a big splat.